I love this product. Cork flooring has always been a favorite of mine, but this reuse of wine bottle corks is particularly beautiful.
Here is the link to the full story from Inhabitat – http://inhabitat.com/2010/05/13/recycled-wine-corks-make-stylish-penny-tile-flooring/
Penny tiles are a popular look for interior flooring. While ceramic and glass are often used to make tiles, these beautiful penny tiles, which we noticed on 3rings blog, are actually cut from recycled wine corks. Designed byJelinek Cork, the recycled tiles take advantage of cork’s natural resiliency and water resistance to create a stylish low-impact flooring material.
Read the rest of Recycled Wine Corks Make Stylish Penny Tile Flooringhttp://www.inhabitat.com/wp-admin/ohttp://www.inhabitat.com/wp-admin/options-general.php?page=better_feedptions-general.php?page=better_feed